Thursday, May 25, 2017

Future Career

I have been thinking this career for a couple of months now, but when I grow up I want to study to be a diplomat and represent Russia! I know that I have to study hard and persevere everyday to make it and represent both my country and Russia. I know that when I grow up my dreams will come true. I study everyday about this career and know that the road ahead isn't easy... Right now, the only thing I can do is try and change society put my name out there in the world and not let anything stop me from chasing my dreams. And I right now I can only keep learning more languages and more international history and I hope that I never give up and become someone in this world and let others bring me down.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood And  Scientology

    This book is about Hollywood actress Leah Remini an outspoken actress exposing the truth of the most controversial church in the world the church of Scientology. A little brief explanation on the church's ideology is that it is a religion that offers a path and understanding the mind spiritual nature 
and ones relationship with family, themselves and others. Or so that's what the church wants you to believe Leah Remini explains her life in the world of Scientology becoming one of the Scientology defendants to the churches number one enemy. It showed how Leah grew up thirteen years in the church with all of her family and stayed there till she was eighteen but while living in the church she noticed suspicious activity when she was told to expose all of her secrets to a machine such as sexual activity, secrets and even expose friends secrets because the church believes that if they do so they are helping man kind but actually they were brainwashed. And when she reached the age of eighteen she defected from the church which often comes at a cost. If you're family and friends are in the church you may not have any communication with them because of strict rules and if caught communicating that may result to one getting arrested. But lucky Leah was able to leave with all of her family aunts uncles, mother, sisters and even more which often isn't the case! Today Leah Remini is an activist and still talks about how she opposes the church for its cruel treatment to people.
    I really loved how Leah Remini decided to reveal the truth of Scientology not a lot of people knew what Scientology was and its masterminding plots to almost brainwash people to believing the truth it   explains the truth on how when she was a child and a nobody during her years in the church she was treated poorly and when she became an actress. She was all of a sudden looked up upon to be this role model and this spokesperson and forced to say good things about the church.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Future Hopes For Highschool ✨✨

Next school year, I'll be in Highschool! From watching most movies you feel like what's coming you're way drama, drama and more drama. But besides drama I hope that I give everything my very all. From grades to sports and to pass senior year of Highschool with knowing what I have accomplished and my future career. And I hope to still obtain my personality willing to still care about the people about me and again give everything my very all and end everyday on a good note.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Selena My Idol ❤️

Most recently I have looked up to one of my favorite music singers Selena Quintanilla, she is Mexican singer, model, spokeswoman, actress and fashion designer. She is a idol in my eyes music is so touching and I can look up to her for a girl who came from nothing and build herself up to a humble career. I love her because she portrayed my people my Latino majority group as workers as people who came from nothing and made themselves on top. I look up to her, I want a career like hers not as a singer but as a actor or maybe even a spokesman that empowers people around the world to follow there dreams because with hard work and a positive attitude anything is possible.

2016-2017 School Year Reflection

This year went by so fast! And less than a month school would end and I'm off to Highschool I'm glad to say that I'm going to end this school year on a good note. I persevered my way through this school year faced challenges like all of us and with determination I grew stronger and stronger each day and became who I am today a skilled hardworking fourteen year old! I am glad on how I presented myself to my peers and teachers and I'm glad that I gave my test my all! I am glad that I lived everyday as it if were my last. And I hope that the people around me now that no matter the struggles happening in the world and in my personal life I take time and stand strong. I am so grateful to have met wonderful people this year. I lost so many people but the people who are here today the handful of friends that I have those are the people that deserve my gratitude because without them I honestly don't know where I would be.

Summer Plans 💞💞

This upcoming summer I plan to do so many things! I hope to accomplish so many things that I thought was not possible. This June I plan to go to Mexico and see my many if not hundreds! Aunts, uncles, grandparents and make new friends and I am determined to go and surprise my mother and father with tickets that would finally give them the chance to go back to there homeland and see there family that they left so many years ago. After that I hope to go to California by myself and explore and finally get a chance to go see some of California's biggest attractions. While June has a lot to offer I am also planning to travel around Europe my first stop in Europe will be Moscow, Russia a place that I wanted to go for a while now and I hope that my Russian speaking helps! And see all the great attractions that Russia has to offer to its architecture and great foods!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Mommie Dearest

    This book Mommie Dearest explains  the story of a famous hollywood actress  Joan Crawford  and explains how during the 1960s Joan's career in acting has disintegrated and fell apart due to her age. During this time period woman were still stereotyped especially if you wer an actress during this time if you were a woman and over fifty which she was your career was practically over. And at this time period she adopted a child and named her Christina Crawford the first out of four children Joan would adopt. Most speculated that she adopted Christina for  publicity purposes so her name would be known to the world again as this generous woman who cares so much for foster children that she would adopt one herself. And this was very uncommon at the time for a divorced lady above fifty to be a single mother. But one expected Joan to treat her daughter the way she treated her was upsurd. Joan released her anger on her daughter Joan's life was falling apart no offers for movies nor television were coming in and it was harder for her to keep her fame and her family together but suddenly fall apart.
    My personal opinion on this book is that I really enjoyed it I enjoyed how Christina didn't decided to hold in her anger and secrets. She revealed the truth of hollywoods most famous Hollywood actress of the twentieth century. She didn't keep quiet and that's why I really admire her as most people who were abused. The decided to keep in all the anger all the rage they have and never let it out Christina talked to herself and thought if she should release the book she was afraid that no one will believe her and believe that she wrote this memoir for attention purposes.